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Legislative Action Committee
CLICK HERE to view the results from our GFWC RI Women’s Issues and Past Experiences with Gender Discrimination and Injustice survey, undertaken anonymously, by all the GFWC RI clubs, in January of 2023.

WCSC Funshine event/Legislative Action
​ CTC play "What the Constitution Means to me"
Linda Cavanaugh, Alexandra Hahn (state Pres), Diana Crane, Fran Alexakos, Linda Hines, Tracy Kubricky, Deb Heggie, Maria Hoey, Peg Schembre

Paula Andrews (State President), Representative Seth Magaziner,Terry Schimmel (Legislative Action Chair), Pat Cole Legislative Action Committee members shared with Representative Magziner the work of GFWC RI in the area of legislative and policy issues.

April 2023 meeting with URI Gender Studies Class to discuss being a female in the 60's and 70's

Some members of the Legislative Action Committee
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