The GFWC RI Arts Scholarship Program
The GFWC RI Arts Scholarship program has worked in collaboration with the Rhode Island Art Teachers Association and Scholastic, Inc. to present cash awards to high school students in both public and private schools throughout the state. Although the RIAEA/Scholastic awards are made for works in a variety of media, GFWCRI chose to limit its awards to those paintings which best depict women in today’s world. This is because the money for these scholarships came from a GFWC painter.
The three cash awards are supported by the proceeds from the sale of a long-held painting by acclaimed Rhode Island impressionist artist and Rhode Island School of Design faculty member Mabel Mae Woodward. Woodward also had served as Department of Fine Arts chairman of GFWC of Rhode Island.
GFWC RI is part of an international organization of women dedicated to community improvement by enhancing the lives of others through volunteer service. The 2023 Rhode Island Scholastic Art Awards judging and exhibition were held at Alex & Ani Hall and Roberts Hall, Rhode Island College, Providence, Rhode Island.
The Judges
Paula Andrews & Janet Trombetti

2023 Winners
Title: Stop

by Jenna Grilli
Ink, Paper, Fabric
Grade: 12
Mount Saint Charles
Michelle Morissettedio
Title: Recovery

by Keta Douglas
Grade: 9
Barrington High School
Doreen Lindenburg
Title: Hands Off

by Lia Gallagher
Colored Pencils
Grade: 12
St Mary Bayview
Mary Jane Andreozzi