Mission Statement
The GFWC Women's Club of South County, a local civic organization, seeks to bring women of all backgrounds for philanthropic activities and community service. Our goal is to provide community support through volunteerism, provision of grants to local non-profit agencies, and educational scholarships to women in need.
The Women's Club of South County has been a member of the national GFWC since 1962.
The Women's Club of South County has raised and donated hundreds of thousands of dollars which we have matched with thousands of volunteer hours.
Click below to learn a little more about The Women's Club of South County:
Our GROW HOPE - Community Grants Initiative
The Annual Book & Author Luncheon
Email: admin@GFWCRISouthCounty.com
Mailing Address:
PO Box 5684
Wakefield, R.I. 02880
Voice Mail: 401 365-4392
Visit Us on Facebook:

WCSC volunteers in the Adopt-A-Highway program are dedicated to keeping its area on Boston Neck Road in Narragansett litter free to help maintain the beauty of South County!
We accomplish Our Mission by volunteering member service and time, fundraising, sponsoring events, awarding scholarships and supporting selected community organizations committed to:
Arts and Culture
Civic Engagement and Outreach
Education and Libraries
Health and Wellness

WCSC meetings usually are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month from September through June (except November). Most meetings are held at 5pm at the Narragansett Community Center.
The Club's April meeting and December Holiday Luncheon are held at local restaurants.
The Team Leader Council (TLC) also schedules and hosts meetings to review the progress of each Team, assignments and the status of on-going activities.
In addition to reports from the co-presidents, treasurer and team leaders, meetings often involve presentations by groups, such as South County Habitat for Humanity, Day One, RI State Police K-9 Search and Rescue Program, and Welcome House, or by Individuals, e.g. Angela Gonzales, more commonly known as AGONZA, is a social worker and Latina Activist known throughout Rhode Island, New York, and Massachusetts for her social awareness murals.