Please Donate
Help Us Help Others
The GFWC Women's Club of South County brings together women of diverse backgrounds to support our local community through volunteerism. For more than half a century, we have provided tens of thousands of hours of volunteer service and raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for the benefit of people living in southern Rhode Island.
Proceeds from our fundraising initiatives:
Advance women through the award of scholarships to local women in need, enabling them to become self-sufficient through the pursuit of a degree or by obtaining credentials for practicing a vocation.
Improve life in South County through the award of Grow Hope Grants to local community groups with initiatives in one or more of the following fields: arts and culture, civic engagement and outreach, education and libraries, environmental protection, and health and wellness.
Ways to Donate
If you prefer to donate through PayPal, click below. Your donation will be used for either scholarships or community grants, depending on the need.
To inquire about leaving a legacy through a will, trust, or estate plan, please leave your contact information at
(401) 365-4392. Someone will reach out to you with more information.
Gifts, which may be tax deductible, help to Advance Women, Promote Art and Cultural Programming, Expand Civic Engagement and Education, Protect the Environment, Foster Health and Wellness, and Assist Local Nonprofits in Improving Life in South County.